Joy Mellow Story Dice Game
Roll 1d6 for each and use your results to fill out the Joy Mellow story template.
1. Parallel Universe
2. Alien Planet
3. The Distant Future
4. The Ancient Past
5. A specific significant historical event.
6. A current event.
1. Teleportation
2. Personal Alarm System
3. Utility Belt
4. Universal Keyboard
5. Smart Headphones
6. Available Resources in the area.
1. Natural Disaster
2. Crime
3. Monster Attack
4. Personal Drama
5. Hunt (Treasure Hunt, Bounty Hunt, Scavenger Hunt)
6. Apocalypse
1. The first strategy failed, made the main character vulnerable, and put the main character in a perilous situation.
2. The first strategy succeeded at stopping the first conflict, but as a direct consequence a second, greater conflict has arisen and put the main character in jeopardy.
3. The first strategy accidentally made things worse rather than make things better.
4. The first strategy worked, but a villain from the main character's past has returned and ambushed them while they were prematurely celebrating their victory.
5. The first strategy reveals that the conflict is not what it appeared to be and puts the main character in a perilous situation.
6. The first conflict is stopped by the first strategy and it is revealed that it was caused by a new villain who attacks the character and puts them in a perilous situation.
End Of Story Artwork
1. PSA Poster
2. PSA Comic
3. PSA Commercial
4. PSA Account
5. PSA Speech
6. PSA Mascot
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